Day-time activities will be held at the Big Ten Conference Center, 5440 Park Place, Rosemont, IL 60018

The Poster session and Reception will be held next door at the Aloft Hotel, 9700 Balmoral Avenue, Rosemont, IL, 60018.

Monday, October 10

Hands-on Training Sessions

(each session limited to 18 seats)
1:00 – 2:30 pmGlobus, Big Data Publication, and the Materials Data Facility

Globus offers production data management services, specifically crafted for researchers, to help simplify the research data lifecycle. These services include optimized file transfer, file sharing, user group management, and user authentication that provide opportunity for integration into custom user applications. In this talk, we will briefly discuss the Globus services, as well as new functionality that allows researchers to publish and describe research datasets, mint unique permanent identifiers (i.e., digital object identifiers - DOIs), and share and make these datasets easily discoverable by other researchers around the world. We will also discuss our progress on a specific use case of data publication in the field of materials science via the Materials Data Facility effort. Concurrently with these discussions, there will be hands-on demos of 1) the Globus APIs and SDKs, 2) installation of a Globus endpoint, and 3) the data publication service.
1:00 – 2:30 pmTraining Session on Managing Software: Github Primer

Ever wonder how developers collaborate these days? How to track versions and release open source software? This session will engage you in a hands-on, self-paced tutorial for one of the most popular and advanced version control system: Git. We will also explore Github as an easy to use cloud based remote code repository. The acquired skills will enable you to download and use the latest versions of open source tools for Data Science, as well as release your own code and data artifacts to the world.
3:00 – 4:30 pmIntroduction to OSoMe (awe•some): The Observatory on Social Media

Learn about tools to explore how people spread ideas through online social networks. Opportunity for extended practice with GitHub and real data.

Tuesday, October 11

Mobilizing Partnerships for Data Innovation

8:00 amRegistration and coffee
8:40 amWelcome and logistics
9:00 amAcademic-Industry-Government Partnerships for Big Data Challenges

Academic-Industry-Government engagement and the potential for BD Hub partnerships. Panelists will present current cross-sector efforts to address scientific and societal grand challenges.

  • Moderator: Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois
  • Jim Barkley, UI Labs
  • Fen Zhao, NSF
  • Tim Schmidt, DOT-FHWA

10:00 amAcademic-Industry Collaboration and Data Access Arrangements

This panel will highlight approaches, best practices, and various (negotiated) arrangements for data access, sharing and use. This session will be of  interest to researchers and industry partners looking to access or share data.

  • Moderator: James Krogmeier, Purdue University
    • Peter Christensen, University of Illinois
    • Keith Elliston, TranSMART Foundation
    • Tim Yardley, Illinois Trust Institute
10:50 amBreak
11:10 amEducating Data-savvy Workforce across Disciplinary Boundaries

This panel will highlight and discuss representative educational efforts in data-driven science across the Midwest region at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional level. The panelists will discuss challenges and opportunities in creation and execution of their programs.

  • Moderator: Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University
  • Richard Baker, Indiana State University
  • Beth Plale, Indiana University
  • Alex Smith, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
NoonLunch and networking
1:30 pmKeynote: Tom Schenk — Chief Data Officer, City of Chicago
2:40 pmSensor Technologies and the Big Data Frontier

Sensor technologies are fundamental across most of our MBDH Spoke communities. What are the Big Data challenges, and how can the Midwest Big Data Hub catalyze or accelerate solutions? What are the opportunities for new collaborations and partnerships to address shared problems?

  • Moderator: H.V. "Jag" Jagadish, University of Michigan
  • Gul Agha, University of Illinois/Embedor
  • Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Lab/University of Chicago
  • Sreekala Bajwa, North Dakota State University
3:40 pmBreak
4:00 pmData Science for Public Health: Initiatives and Opportunities in the Midwest

This panel will highlight data-intensive public health activities and research initiatives taking place at multiple levels (regional, state and city) on multiple outcomes (infectious disease, public policy, maternal and child health, home health) across the Midwest region.

  • Moderator: Bernice Pescosolido, Indiana University
  • Cass Dorius, Iowa State University
  • Jamie McGowan, Big Ten Academic Alliance
  • Heather Rouse, Iowa State University
  • Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University
Panel organizer: Ayaz Hyder, Ohio State University
5:15 pmEnd of day 1
6:15 pmPoster session and networking event — Aloft Hotel

Wednesday, October 12

8:00 amRegistration and coffee
8:15 amMelissa Cragin - MBDH Update
8:40 amFen Zhao, NSF — The Next Spoke Solicitation and Big Data Hub Program Updates
9:15 amCommunity Engagement: Growing the MBDH with Regional, National, and International Organizations

This panel will consider roles of data-related organizations at differing geographic scales, provide an update on recent meetings and potential opportunities for MBDH engagement and Spoke partnerships.

  • Moderator: Christine Kirkpatrick, San Diego Supercomputer Center/WDBIH/NDS
  • Meagan Lang, NCSA/University of Illinois
  • Greg Monaco, Great Plains Network
  • Beth Plale, Indiana University
10:15 amSpoke Lightning Talks (2 slides, 5 minutes)
11:00 amSpoke & Ring Meetings: Building Regional Engagement, Collaborations for New Grant Proposals and Activities
12:00Wrap-up and lunch
1:00 – 3:00 pmSteering Committee Meeting