Monday, October 28

3-5pm : Seed Fund Steering Committee meeting (by invitation)

Tuesday, October 29

Time (CT)Session
8:00 amRegistration & breakfast
8:30 amWelcome & State of the MBDH | Video | Slides
Alice Delage (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Bill Gropp (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
John MacMullen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
9:00 amSpoke projects updates | Video
- Franco Pestilli (Indiana University) -
- Robin Gandhi (University of Nebraska Omaha) - Smart Big Data Pipeline for Aging Rural Bridge Transportation Infrastructure (SMARTI) | Slides
- Raghu Machiraju (Ohio State University) - Community-Driven Data Engineering for Substance Abuse Prevention in the Rural Midwest | Slides
- Jong Lee (UIUC) - An Integrated Big Data Framework for Water Quality Issues in the Upper Mississippi River Basin | Slides
9:55 amNetworking break
10:15 amKeynote Speaker | Video | Slides
Yolanda Gil, University of Southern California, President of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI): “Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Modeling”
11:00 amPanel : Role of Big Data in the American AI Initiative | Video | Slides
The American AI Initiative supporting national AI technology and innovation has spurred numerous efforts in AI, including the NITRD National AI R&D Strategic Plan, the AAAI/CCC 20 year community roadmap for AI research, NIST plans for AI standards, NSF National AI Research Institutes solicitation, and related initiatives in academia, industry and government. This panel will explore the role of Big Data (BD) and BD Hubs in the new American AI initiative.

Moderator: Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota)
Ann Drobnis (Computing Community Consortium)
Yolanda Gil (University of Southern California)
H. V. Jagadish (University of Michigan)
Vipin Kumar (University of Minnesota)
11:50 amPoster session introduction and Group picture
noonLunch and poster session
1:30 pmBreakouts introduction | Video | Slides
Carolyn J Lawrence-Dill (Iowa State University)
2:00 pmBreakout groups by Hub priority area
#202: Digital Agriculture
#203: Health & Biomedicine
#214: Materials & Advanced Manufacturing
#215: Cybersecurity (; +19292056099,,397344457#)
#206: Smart & Resilient (; +1 646 558 8656,,264 947 532#)
#246: Water (; +1.408.740.7256,,393566299)
3:30 pmNetworking break
3:45 pmReport back from breakout groups
4:15 pmProjects and partners around the MBDH | Video
Santiago Nunez-Corrales (UIUC), Open Storage Network | Slides
Meredith Lee, Exec. Dir., West Big Data Innovation Hub | Slides
Jim Wilgenbusch (University of Minnesota), Cross-Hubs Cyberinfrastructure group | Slides
Anita Frederick, President, Tribal Nations Research Group | Slides
5:00 pmAdjourn

Wednesday, October 30

Time (CT)Session
8:15 amNetworking breakfast
9:00 amWelcome back
9:05 amNSF Program Update | Slides
Manish Parashar, Program Director, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, National Science Foundation (remotely connected)
Introduced by Catherine Blake (UIUC)
9:30 amFederal Agencies Programs and Funding Opportunities:
Ashley E. Sands, Senior Library Program Officer, Institute of Museum and Library Services (remotely connected) | Slides
James P. Dobrowolski, National Program Leader, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (remotely connected) | Slides
10:00 amNetworking break
10:30 amUnderstanding Cities through Embedded AI - Plenary talk | Video | Slides
Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory
11:00 amThe "Smart" Challenge: Delivering on Data-Enabled Decision-Making for Governments and Communities - Fireside chat | Video | Slides
As we enter a phase of implementation of many smart cities/smart government projects, how do data-based new technologies and systems effectively supports decision-making for governments and communities? What new or existing challenges are we facing, and how can researchers help address gaps and/or support opportunities?
Moderator: Valentin Pentchev (IU)
Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory
Ruby Mendenhall, UIUC
Meera Raja, City Tech Collaborative
Amy Glasscock, National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)
noonClosing remarks and adjourn
Catherine Blake (UIUC), MBDH co-PI
12:10 pmBox lunch (stay or go)
1- 4 pmProject Team meeting (by invitation)
1:00-2:30pm: PIs and co-PIs
2:30-4:00pm: PIs only