Today we are launching a new MBDH Community Blog, which is intended to extend information sharing around events and projects, as well as expand our channels for Community conversation.
We plan to run 1-2 posts per month, and we are now seeking submissions from the MBDH Community – including the Spokes and our other collaborative projects – that describe your contributions and developments in the broader data ecosystem. Of interest are short reports and highlights from data-related meetings, events, or project outcomes, inclusive of the role and impact of the MBDH for these efforts.
We welcome contributions from the Social Sciences and Humanities, including short contributions that address data and algorithmic ethics, or coming changes for work, daily life, and public engagement in U.S data policy.
We encourage submissions from practitioner and NGO perspectives, as well as those from academia, industry, or government. We will provide additional guidelines shortly. If you are interested in submitting a Blog post, please send your contact information and the subject area to: info@midwestbigdatahub.org
Our first guest post is by Daniel Katz, Assistant Director for Scientific Software and Applications at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Check out his post on the US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) project.
Finally, I’ll note a couple of activities where we are currently seeking input and engagement:
Add your voice to our Midwest Big Data Hub evaluation
- To create a robust strategic plan for the Midwest Hub.
- To plan toward long-term sustainability, especially financial sustainability, for the Midwest Hub.
- Provide your input here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MBDHSurvey
Participate in our election of five (5) At-large representatives for the MBDH Steering Committee: https://midwestbigdatahub.org/2018-steering-committee-at-large-nominees/
As always, please contact us with any ideas or questions.
Thank you for your continued support!
All the best,
Melissa Cragin
Executive Director, Midwest Big Data Hub