Midwest Big Data Hub
October 29-30, 2019
Big Ten Center, Rosemont IL
Join the Hub for our annual All-Hands Meeting! This year’s theme is “AI and Data for Innovative Research and DecisionāMaking”.
*Registration for the meeting is now closed.*
Registration fees apply.
Our discounted rate at the official conference hotel is also open for reservations.
Sponsorship opportunities are available; see the sponsor prospectus (PDF) for more information.
The MBDH All-Hands Meetings are organized annually to bring together the broad MBDH stakeholder community and interested new parties to share information on data and Data Science-related projects, collaborations, tools, practices, and discoveries in the thematic areas of interest in the MBDH region. The meeting is intended to build the community, share successes and opportunities, and to also provide engaging content on emergent Big Data applications across the industry-academia-government R&D space.